Friday, April 13, 2007

Why is it that every time I read something about you I get an orgasm?

from Pryuen - Hong Kong, China

Yao think Pryuen just a tease. But if what Pryuen say true, Yao about to make your day. Yao write about himself for Pryuen to "enjoy" lots and lots:
  • Yao like puppies
  • Yao once win spelling bee contest as kid
  • Yao love Cherry Coke
  • Yao make mittens out of yarn
  • Yao no like spiders
  • Yao can drop it like hot on dance floor

Ok, Yao stop now. Not want you to explode because have too much pleasure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EL-EM-EH-OH!!! Too much!